Where will this lead? Will we ever get justice? I am sure it is in many more places on the blog but this is forwarded by our USMC Master Gunnery Sergeant Tom C. There is some material here that I was not familiar with and some that I do not agree with. It does raise questions as to what is going on.
Take the time and read this. It is not a fairy tale. This was originally thought that it would rock DOJ. Newsweek gutted the story—but it is a story nonetheless. Anyone that knows what actually transpired in Ruby Ridge and Waco knows that there was a full court press cover up. The Oklahoma City bombing is another matter and is getting further scrutiny. Screw ups by our government are buried—real deep.
Confidential informants who are participating in the Congressional probe of the Project Gunwalker (Operation Fast and Furious) scandal have now zeroed in on the FBI connection. Such a connection has been hinted at in the past, but information relayed today shows that FBI involvement was much deeper than anyone imagined.
The investigation into Gunwalker has revealed a scandal involving multiple departments of the Obama Administration–Justice, FBI, ATF, ICE, DEA, DHS, and State. These connections have been verified through previously hidden emails and documents, and sworn testimony of whistleblowers.
But the FBI connection is one that could be potentially the biggest one yet, indicating that the bureau not only was involved in Gunwalker but has been up to its neck in a scandal all its own–a program called ‘PATCON,’ or ‘Patriot Conspiracy.’
A paid confidential informant enlisted under PATCON indicated a long history of the covert program spanning several decades which include such debacles as the Ruby Ridge murders, the Waco murders of a religious cult, the Oklahoma City bombing, and Project Gunwalker.
Vanderboegh stated, Newsweek Magazine had received this information which they had planned to include in a major story today, according to citizen investigative journalist Mike Vanderboegh. But before the story went to press, the facts were gutted out of the final copy. There is no mention of PATCON or its various tyrannical operations that have resulted in countless deaths.
I also knew from sources, living and dead, that PATCON was the worst scandal that the FBI ever perpetrated. PATCON could sink the FBI, perhaps permanently, and along with the Gunwalker Scandal, totally discredit the teflon coating that the Bureau has excreted around its corrupt core and thoroughly debunk the myth that the FBI is anything but an agency of arsonists posing as firemen.
Finally, I knew that Newsweek would run the story tomorrow. I have been hinting about this story for weeks, and now it was about to happen.
But Newsweek editor Tina Brown nixed the heart of the story by removing key facts concerning the paid confidential informant, PATCON, Ruby Ridge, Waco, the OKC bombing, and the Clinton Administration.
Confidential sources who are cooperating with the Congressional probe of Gunwalker indicate that the FBI and the White House were so frightened by the prospects of this story getting out to the public that they used the authority and power of their government offices to pressure Newsweek to omit key facts. And that they did. The story, which was published today, makes no mention of the bombshell information that makes the story the story.
What we have, instead, is a non-story.
The Daily Beast, by the way, is now a part of the Washington Post-Newsweek family of ‘news’ organizations.
But what Newsweek wishes to hide is shouted from the housetops by Vanderboegh, who has a wealth of information about PATCON through his many undercover contacts in the government. That wealth of information includes the following:
There are many rumors and individual bits of fact that have drifted out about PATCON over the years — Stories of FBI informants and undercover assets giving taxpayer-funded operational assistance — including weapons, explosives and money — to neoNazi and racist terrorists to cement their relationships with the criminals; Reports that an operation that began with real concerns about racist terrorist groups like The Order was expanded to include mere political opponents of the Clinton administration and the defensive-oriented constitutional militias; Reports of a similar operation called VAAPCON, “Violence Against Abortion Providers,” using the same tactics; Reports that the Southern Poverty Law Center was hip-deep as a partner to the FBI in PATCON; Reports of FBI penetration of the news media, religious institutions and the ranks of politicians of both parties, who very usefully expanded the FBI’s power and reach and who provided political cover when the curtain slipped. Oklahoma lawyer and journalist J.D. Cash once told me that “there isn’t a neoNazi or racist group in the country that isn’t operationally controlled by the FBI.” Did that include the Aryan Republican Army and the Oklahoma City bombing? I asked. “Certainly,” he replied. So, the prospect of a story in a major news magazine about PATCON must have given the FBI a severe case of the old rectal looseness.
This information has broad repercussions for the continuing investigation into the OKC bombing being conducted by Salt Lake City attorney Jesse Trentadue, whose brother was killed in the attack. There is evidence that the Clinton Administration used the FBI to squelch any talk of broader connections in the bombing in order to propagate the ‘lone bomber’ theory.
For more information into PATCON, consult this document, which was posted today by National Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea.
You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life -W Churchill