Thursday, November 10, 2011

To all Marines and followers of our Corps.

To all Marines.  Our Birthday, November 10.  Happy Birthday Marines.  Two hundred and thirty-six years ago it all began in Tun Tavern.   An armed amphibious force was assembled to combat any terrorist force threatening our country.  The fight could be taken to them.  This has been the decisive act preventing foreign invasion for one hundred and ninety-nine years.  In 1812, we did not take the fight to Britain and coincidently they invaded America.  They were the last foreign invaders and it cost them dearly.  It was a lesson learned by the United States, and could only be put aside by those who wish to see America fail.

In 1775, the Colonies soon to be the United States were besieged by foreign tyrants. We were under tyrannical control and absurd taxes were being levied.  The tax revenue was being returned to the Monarchy and bureaucracy in Britain to be squandered on their lavish life style.  Corruption was rampant, our borders were not secure and there were pirates on the high seas.  Actually, this is almost the same scenario today, of course we have added to the danger.

Our armed forces, our Marine Corps, know what it is to taste our own blood.  That blood mixed with the taste of foreign soil we endure to protect our homeland.  America we love you.  Thank you for giving us two hundred and thirty-six years to serve you.  We will always be here to answer the call.

When tyrants attempt to diminish our Corps, we will grow stronger.  This is not Memorial Day, a day we honor our departed.  It is our birthday.  Tomorrow is our future.  Tomorrow, America will still need a few good men willing to lay their lives on the line for our freedom.  We know the difference, we are ready, we know what to do and we do it well, in spite of all adversity.

God Bless and Semper Fi,

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