Monday, December 26, 2011

Our Berkshire Politics and where they can take us

The Berkshires are unique, of course our politics are also.  So many times something is going on in the state and we are so protected from it. Especially if it does not have a liberal slant so the Eagle will ignore it.  Or, it will be written to their liking but not always to our benefit.   Always the biased agenda. We have Fox News, WBRK radio and our Pittsfield Gazette but even they cannot follow all that goes on in our fair state or county.  Probably the reason why the county votes the way it does?  Why not, the majority of our neighbors think everything is great and keep re-electing the people that have brought them this prosperity.

Our non-native voters come from every state mostly adjacent states. They vacationed here before moving, enjoyed the cultural arts and the scenic beauty
and decided to retire or relocate to the Berkshires. I was here a month and knew I would never leave. Some of the reasons many move here they forget, politics being one. Muscle misery kicks in and they want our politics to mirror what they
left or the left ideology.

Forty three years ago it was a little different, I remember. Pittsfield was a modern up to date city bustling with industry and a population of close to fifty thousand. We had crime that came with the drug culture of the sixties but by today's standards it was minor. It was difficult to find parking during business hours as the commerce taking place was alive. Do you remember?

The following article is one man’s plight with Medicare of Massachusetts.  Or the Medical Miracle of the United States now.  To think, they copied us?   We have fifty thousand undocumented Democrats in the state sucking our welfare system dry and the health care with it. The rest of the country will probably do that also it is difficult to get too much of a good thing. Unless we were directly involved in a situation or subscribed to the Boston Herald we would never know.  This is a human interest story that could effect each and every one of us in time.  With the political debates and all that is going on we hear very little about Medical care in Massachusetts.  It will inspire us to look forward to the 2012 elections.

The following Herald Story by Margery Eagan is just such a story.

Co-pay hike a painful reality

Miracle drug monthly cost jumps from $42 to $600

By Margery Eagan
Thursday, November 3, 2011 - 
Ken Helgeson could be you.
The retired pressman from Millis worked for more than 50 years, sometimes two jobs, to take care of his daughter and his wife, Marion, a paraplegic as the result of polio.
“I never asked anybody for anything. I never took a free ride or money from the state. You took care of yourself. It’s the way we got brought up, and that’s what I’ve done,” Helgeson said yesterday, not bragging but putting the irony of his 
plight in perspective.
Helgeson is simply another man who played by the rules, and now faces a nightmare.
In what he calls “a sellout,” Helgeson says Medicare has changed its deal for covering the prescription drug that kept him working for 10 years with increasingly severe rheumatoid arthritis. Enbrel used to cost him a $42 per month co-pay. Now it costs him $600 a month. He can’t afford it. So he stopped taking Enbrel four months ago.
“Six hundred a month is an awful lot of money on a fixed income,” he said. “I just can’t pay.”
But Helgeson is far from alone. At a recent State House hearing, doctors, patients advocates and patients themselves told lawmakers that not only is Medicare changing prescription drug rules, private insurers also have demanded high patient payment for some of the more expensive drugs treating cancer, heart disease, HIV/AIDS, hemophilia and multiple sclerosis.
According to a new group formed to combat this — the New England Coalition for Affordable Prescription Drugs — Blue Cross has already implemented higher payments for these so-called Tier 4 drugs in numerous states, including Rhode Island and Delaware. State Sen. Anthony Petrucelli (D-East Boston) has introduced legislation here to cap huge co-payments, but the bill’s fate in unclear.
Meanwhile, the coalition reports, more and more of the severely ill are delaying buying drugs they need or, like Helgeson, not buying them at all.
“Maybe Phil Mickelson can afford it,” Helgeson said, referring to the pro golfer’s ubiquitous Enbrel commercials. “I’d love to tell you that I can, too.
Helgeson could have made the same commercial because Enbrel worked wonders for him.
“After the first week or 10 days, it was a miracle. I was riding my bike. I painted my house,” he recalled.
He went fishing again at local lakes and at the South Boston yacht club where he’s belonged for 20 years. “I’d get up in the morning and the pain would just absolutely be gone. I can’t even begin to tell you,” Helgeson said.
These days, it’s a different story.
“Now I can deal with the pain until it gets terribly severe,” he said. “At that point I don’t know what I’m going to do, but if I get a major flare-up, I’ll end up in the hospital because I can’t breathe.”
Of course, Helgeson’s insurance covers hospitalization, even though that would cost way more than the Enbrel does.

So far, Ken Helgeson has been lucky — no “major flare-ups” yet.
His wife, Marion, however, paints a different picture. “Kenny’s not a guy to complain. But he’s struggling, and I hate to see him struggle,” she said. “Sometimes it takes him three times just to get out of bed. You know he married me with polio, but we never knew it would get this bad. My husband is a terrific fellow who’s taken care of me for 47 years. He just doesn’t deserve this.”

No arsenal ... is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.........Ronald Reagan

What the MA GOP Needs to do from the Boston Herald.............

GOP needs resolutions for 2012 Click for article

By Holly Robichaud
Monday, December 26, 2011 - Updated 14 hours ago

Now that the Massachusetts Republican Party has elected a new chairman, it is time for a fresh start. Here are some 2012 resolutions the new GOP leadership team should adopt:

Register more GOP voters: Right now, only 11 percent of registered Massachusetts voters are Republicans. Despite all the Democrat scandals that have plagued Beacon Hill, our numbers have not multiplied. Don’t leave the growth of registration numbers to fate. There needs to be a systematic plan to add more Republicans to the voter lists. It shouldn’t be too hard to register new GOP voters in districts such as the one represented by U.S. Rep. John Tierney (D-Salem), who had no idea of his wife’s involvement in her fugitive brother’s finances. He is a walking advertisement for us.

Get out the vote on Election Day: The party’s previous leadership dropped the ball for 2010 elections. If there had been a well-organized get-out-the-vote program, which would have made a 4 percent difference in vote totals, then Mary Connaughton would now be the state auditor. Starting today, the victory program needs to be convincing and identifying voters to turn out for the November election. Don’t wait until the last minute.

Make friends with the Tea Party: In order to fight the Democrat domination, the GOP needs to be a party of addition not subtraction. Cooperate with the Tea Party on voter education and grassroots organizing.

Don’t neglect the down-ticket candidates: If the GOP is to be a strong opposition party in Massachusetts, it can’t put all of its eggs in one basket. There needs to be support for the top of the ticket as well as the legislative candidates who are our future farm team.

Be proactive on voter integrity: Whether it is monitoring the political tactics of the Neighbor-to-Neighbor organization or supporting legislation requiring identification to vote, the party should be out in front on these issues so that our elections are fair and honest.

Most importantly, Republicans and Tea Party patriots need to adopt the glass-is-half-full philosophy. We don’t live in Alabama, so we cannot expect that our elected officials, such as U.S. Sen. Scott Brown, are going to vote 100 percent of the time with the party. We have to be happy that we have a senator who votes a conservative stance 80 percent of the time rather than an ultra-left wing former Obama administration official who will vote the other way all the time. Anchors-aweigh U.S. Sen. John Kerry already has that covered.

Let’s make 2012 a Happy Republican New Year!

Fast & Furious, AG Holder absurdity?

From the Tea Party looking out for our interests as always.

Semper Fi

Dear Patriot, hopes that everyone had a wonderful Christmas weekend and that everyone is feeling as refreshed and energized as we are, because we have some big fights ahead.

Eric Holder is completely out of control, and the politicization of the justice department is reaching scary proportions. While most Americans were distracted with the joys of Christmas and family, the justice department quietly announced that they are striking down the voter identification law passed in South Carolina. Eric Holder is using the justice department as though it were just one more weapon of the liberal propaganda machine to be selectively used to attack conservatives and protect liberals. Eric Holder's selective enforcement of the law is a dangerous abuse of power and we must not let this stand!

Already we have sent nearly 300,000 letters to Congress demanding that a special prosecutor be appointed to investigate obvious perjury committed on the ‘fast and furious’ debacle. Thanks to your letters, about 60 members of the House of Representatives have called for Holder’s resignation. We must keep the pressure on Congress, but we also need to hang the albatross of Eric Holder’s numerous scandals around the neck of President Obama as he seeks reelection.

Somebody has to take the fight to Eric Holder who just claimed that any criticism of him was clearly racism, and we are not going to be intimidated. There are so many scandals and abuses of power that many of them get lost in the shuffle. To start, we just need you to send another batch of letters to your Congressman and Senators demanding that a special prosecutor be appointed to investigate Eric Holder, but we will be launching a comprehensive effort to publicize his many failings.



Dustin Stockton
Chief Strategist

P.S. Our strength is in numbers. Please help our efforts by forwarding to a friend

For your reading pleasure.............Two articles..........................

Thanks to M.Franco the following two articles can be followed by our readers. The forwarding letters were submitted to news agencies in Western Massachusetts. Take comfort knowing there are Republicans in our midst that take up the pen for what is right.

Semper fi,


Dear Regional Republicans & Activist Friends:

1. Possessing an ID shows responsibility:

Letter: By Michael McMahon, Agawam, 12/23/11

I was a bit disappointed to see your paper’s stance on the voter ID issue. (“Path to the ballot box must be clear for all,” Dec. 20).

I’m just surprised how anyone cannot be in favor of upholding the integrity of elections. Discriminatory? How can you function in society today without a valid ID?

What if you want to buy a beer, rent a car, or God forbid apply for a job? What happens the day you show up to vote and they tell you “Sorry, it appears you have already voted”?

Also I’m sorry to say if someone has chosen a path through life that doesn’t require an ID - I’m not sure they have earned the responsibility to be trusted with the privilege of casting a ballot.

2. GOP must distance itself from 'crony capitalism':
By Kathy Mailhot, Saturday, December 17, 2011

Freedom does not work...and it has never worked?

That is what the leader of the free world described on December 6, 2011. His statements deeply concern me.

He started by pointing out the fact that we were a country where hard work and personal responsibilities were among our core values. This was a time of prosperity, motivation and ingenuity. It was a time when we allowed capitalism to work.

But since then - we have been in a purposeful gentle slide into socialism with ever expanding government regulations, control and bureaucracies. The natural free market has been transformed into crony capitalism. The greed of the government and corporations has been entwined and continues to fester - scratching each others back at the expense to the citizens of this country.

As both parties have been pushed more to the progressive policies, we have been left with little choice for our elected officials. It is time to take back the Republican Party. The GOP must set itself apart and make a stand. Enough.

Over the years Republicans have considered themselves pro-business. But there is a huge difference between pro-business and pro-free market. A pro-business policy is a veil to more crony capitalism. Both parties bend over to appease large businesses and unions for politic favors. Our country is rotting from the inside and those in power are masters of illusion.

President Obama claims that we are a richer nation and have a stronger democracy. Who is he kidding? How can we be richer with $15 trillion debt that is rising as we continue to give away our sovereignty to the interests of the UN.

As far as being a democracy - we were never a democracy. Our government was deigned as a republic, a republic which is fading. I believe we are a kakistocracy - government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens. We cannot continue down this path.

(Mailhot is a candidate for Republican State Committee Woman, Hampshire & Franklin District.)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Oh! what a tangled web we weave : When first we practice to deceive!

If we are avid gun owners and we do not vote conservative does that mean we are in a pickle?
Caught between bases and we cannot leave the base line. Being tagged out is a certainty. The following is the latest scam for the anti second amendment folks. Read and enjoy thanks to Charlie C.
Semper fi,

Gun Owners of America (GOA)
Friday, 09 December 2011 13:54 The government’s “gun walking” scandal heated up a Capitol Hill hearing this week. Attorney General Eric Holder appeared before the House Judiciary Committee for an oversight hearing on the Department of Justice, but Operation Fast and Furious dominated the discussion. Holder, as he has already done numerous times in testimony before Congress, coninued his practice of stonewalling and deflecting blame for the failed scheme that led to thousands of firearms “walking” across the border into Mexico and into the hands of violent drug cartels. Committee members grilled Holder on misleading Congress, not dealing appropriately with the individuals who called the shots on Fast and Furious and, even worse, for using the guns that the government allowed to “walk” to Mexico as an excuse for greater gun control in the U.S.

Fast and Furious Leading to More Gun Control?
From his opening statement, Rep. Daryl Issa (R-CA), a chief congressional investigator looking into Fast and Furious, made clear that gun control, not crime control, is really the main objective of the Obama administration. Rep. Issa pointed to recent ATF regulations to register many long-gun purchasers in southwest border states: The idea that regulations, without any approval of Congress, to create databases in the southwestern states…clearly shows that, in fact, this administration is more interested in building databases, more interested in talking about gun control than actually controlling [the Fast and Furious guns].

Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ), a strong ally of gun owners, further pressed the point, assuring Holder that: If the American people learned that the motivations for [Fast and Furious] was somehow to make a case to deprive them of their Second Amendment rights or to make a case to further the Department’s ability to further regulate gun rights within the United States, that would make them very angry.

Rep. Franks went on to read from an email between Mark Chait, ATF Field Operations Assistant Director, and Bill Newell, ATF’s Phoenix Special Agent in Charge of Fast and Furious. Chait wrote: Bill - can you see if these guns were all purchased from the same [licensed gun dealer] and at one time. We are looking at anecdotal cases to support a demand letter on long gun multiple sales. Thanks. The demand letter Chait was referring to is a regulation (which is in violation of federal laws protecting gun owners’ privacy) requiring more than 8,500 firearms dealers in four states to report multiple sales of long guns to the ATF. In other words, the Justice Department helped to create a huge mess, and is now seeking more authority to regulate firearms to clean it up. At the same time, the Department has taken no action to hold anyone accountable within the government. No Accountability at ATF

Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) questioned the Attorney General about holding specific people responsible for the government’s actions. “Who is the person in the United States government that made the decision…to facilitate the guns going to Mexico,” Rep. Poe asked Holder, who claimed not to know.

After the hearing, Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren brought up that question to committee member Steve King (R-IA). “Whoever was so stupid to authorize this operation…is still sitting there with the Justice Department because no one will tell us who the one is with such flawed judgment,” Van Susteren said. King replied that, “If Eric Holder will not identify that person or answer that question, you have to wonder if Eric Holder isn’t the person.” Holder remains defiant, and has rebuffed calls to step down or to fire those involved.

GOA Petitions Congress to Get ATF off the Backs of Gun Owners President Obama and his Attorney General are clearly going after American gun owners, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their goal of more gun control. Eric Holder should be fired immediately for his mishandling of Fast and Furious, and then further investigated for possible criminal wrongdoing. But there needs to be more done, which is why GOA is urging Congress to take firearms out of the ATF’s jurisdiction. The Fast and Furious scandal is not an isolated incident, but just the latest in a long string of abuses by the agency. As far back as 1982, a Senate committee noted that ATF “has trampled upon the second amendment by chilling the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by law-abiding citizens.” But even in light of its many documented abuses, the agency has continued to grow in its budget, personnel, and mission. This rogue, unconstitutional agency is dedicated to infringing on Americans’ fundamental right to keep and bear arms. And left unchecked, they will regulate it right out of existence. If you haven’t already signed the petition, please do it today. Citing a long string of agency abuses, it asks the Congress to exercise its constitutional authority to get the ATF out of the firearms business. The petition goes directly to your Representative and two Senators. The ATF has abused the rights of gun owners for far too long. If enough Americans make their voices heard, we can do away with this unconstitutional agency.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Where there is smoke – “revisited”

I speak with twenty-eight years of trying to lock up the bad guy, and did I ever make a mistake? Sure, because the jury said so. That’s America. Did I ever persecute or prosecute an innocent person knowingly? No, sometimes there is an unknown factor where a cop is directed to carry out the directions of the court.
Did I ever partake in proactive police work and try to entice a perpetrator to act at a time when they could be arrested? Sure. Did I ever manufacture evidence? No, I never had to. I was chastised by my department once for offering exculpatory evidence so I know it does happen.
So, scrutinizing this article, one of many that I receive daily I made some notes. The contributor is rock solid American Marine. He is the messenger, and we put it out to people that scrutinize information like we all should. All comments have merit. One anonymous comment was that this is all political show. There is some truth to that, it would be, “Who’s Show?” I think I know.

First, the term “Gun Walker ” is used. There is not any mention of “Fast & Furious”(F&F). I think they are playing that down. It was a failure and one would hope that the originators of F&F were demoted for the program’s apparent failure. No, this did not happen, like most governmental programs that fail they are not really abandoned. They are “Revisited,” and usually refinanced with more taxpayer money. Before this happens again it needs a lot of publicity and scrutiny, hopefully court prosecution.
The ground work, when they first mentioned “Straw Purchases” of firearms found to be involved in Mexico. The queen, Hillary Clinton was taking the stage proclaiming our lax gun laws and ability for citizens to purchase guns were the causes of the violence in Mexico. This also occurs at a time that NATO was pressuring the USA about gun sales. Then there were some studies done that found many of the weapons of choice in Mexico including grenades and full auto assault rifles were coming from outside of the country. Small wonder with billions of drug money coming from the US? They could probably beat Iran for a nuclear bomb. Little did the citizens know at the time that this rhetoric was happening, a slip shod government program was taking place. A program that was not planned well by real cops only bureaucrats, Fast and Furious.
Then it all unraveled. Some two hundred (?) plus gun related deaths in Mexico, our own border agent is gunned down and agents are selling out the bosses at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF). We find that some seventeen-hundred (?) guns were permitted to be walked across the border by civilians, purchases that would have been stopped by legitimate gun dealers were permitted by the BATF direction. It is so convoluted and diabolical it amazes me. Ollie North was an Altar Boy compared to these morons. It certainly appears that the motivator, had the story not broken and continued to even more extreme violence and death. Then, the weapons to be tracked were not, not that they ever could be safely. The operation was a political move, to benefit who? Well, we can figure it out.
Given the anarchy of Mexico and the looseness of our Homeland Security it was destined to happen. The result would have been major overhaul of our current gun laws and the public would have demanded it. NATO would have used it like a poster of the whiners and the gut-turners would have been out in force. Do the investigators of F&F know? Of course they do. What the F&F did is perpetrate major crime. They contributed to the murders and violence as co-conspirators or entering a joint venture. Knowing the havoc the weaponry could cause and proceeding with the plan anyway is diabolical. What could it be if it was not for monetary gain? Control, power, political power. Not to possibly apprehend anyone, they found out early in the game that did not work. Politics, the worst kind. Ron Emanuel’s get something out of every crisis. Major gun legislation, meant to sap the second amendment, every liberal’s dream. Remember, how they have been reeling since the Supreme Judicial Court’s decision in DC on gun ownership? This would have been a major payback regardless of how it weakened the country. Politically nobody would have benefited except the president in his quest for the next election. I imagine the legislation proposal for limitation to civilian gun ownership is kicking around Holder’s office someplace. He telegraphs his chess moves. The Attorney General needs to go.
We have to look how cases are developed on the federal level. They are usually the result of local primary law enforcement information. The information can be from any investigation or arrest where the content of information has the aspects of federal crime. Where the jurisdiction of the crime is across state lines or the Feds have the money to do what is needed with technology. Sometimes like Ruby Ridge it is developed through informants, callous handling of unsubstantiated informants are the worst source of information. Over zealous and inexperienced officers of the law without proper guidance can ruin their career shamefully acting on such information.
Federal Bureaus are constantly attempting to justify their own budgets. The more cases the bigger the budgets, more agents, supervisors and room for patronage jobs. Welcome home politics. This works on every level of government from a small town police force to the FBI. The majority of cases, if there is a qualified person conducting them, can be handled at the lowest level. Every department knows to be successful and grow it is necessary to build your case load. Every cop knows that Federal Bureaus go shopping for anything that state and local departments are ready to throw their way. We are setting the stage where agents develop a case, taking something covered by state statute and making it a federal crime. Why? Publicity, J. Edgar’s philosophy, citizens knowing protection from crime by the Federal Government. The worst thing a citizen can hear, “We are from the federal Government and we are here to help you, “Ronald Reagan
By bringing on the feds local politicians gain the glamour, local police are flipped a few fringes. Local law enforcement attending federal academies or specialized equipment, the buddy syndrome. The only people losing are the tax payers and if it makes their local cop a better one, why not?
While we are at it, what about T. McVeigh and Oklahoma City? A former GI, an alleged anarchist, militia member blows up a federal building with massive homemade explosives. He quietly and decisively creates the bomb and the plan, allegedly almost alone, with some superficial help. He displayed about as much emotion as Charlie Manson. A character flaw has to be special for the destruction of innocent people to make a statement, retaliation for Waco?  Come on! That is a weak motive. I read somewhere, where he (Country boy McVeigh) visited the Philippine Islands on a regular vacation, of course he never went anywhere else, that I know of. Strange, my last visit there I recall Muslim and Communist presence. He probably just had some extra money to blow, that is a pun. If he had his vehicle registered correctly and the trooper had not stopped him after the bombing it could have been one of the mysteries of our lifetime. We still do not have the whole story. We got him executed in a hurry, thank goodness we did not waterboard him, that would have been cruel.
The mention of Ruby Ridge is disgusting. I do not know who is the bigger fool here? The agent that entices someone to cut off a gun barrel for good bucks or the idiot that does it. We know it takes a fifty-cent hack saw blade to do the job and any dope can do it. It cost Randy Weaver a wife and son. Read the case, you decide. It goes into depth how Weaver was begging the government to recognize he was being set up.   It was not right and innocent people died.
Moving to Waco. Branch Davidians, David Koresh was a gun dealer and whack job. The ATF knew it and they gave him a federal firearms license. They felt he was violating something. Really? He was only buying guns and not selling any? Strange, for a gun dealer. Provisions of the license include agents can come into the registered premises and do an inventory and records check at any time. I think it came out in the trial he was trying to comply with that to keep his license. They could have shut him down and they did not. They could have arrested him away from the compound and they did not.
On February 28, 1993, the BATF went on an armed confrontation that they expected to win with an overwhelming force. Apparently that was a false premise as six Dividians were killed, Koresh was wounded with his father in-law, four BATF agents were killed and the confrontation lasted for another fifty-one days. It ended with a 6 hour military tank siege using inflammatory material that burned the compound down on a windy day. That was great planning if all the inhabitants were hostiles, for my mind they were like any other hostage captives. I had four years as a hostage negotiator and I believe the job done at Waco was amateurism. Thirty four children and nineteen women died that day. There are many more specifics but each time I hear the name Janet Reno or Janet Nepolitano I grow nauseous.
So, revisiting the past atrocities of government at work. It is great we can talk about them, we should be working toward preventing them from happening again. We need to see where the aggression starts and what the motive truly is. “Where there is smoke” is such an article to awaken the populace. If you find substance in it good. If you don’t, and it gets your skivvies in a knot we have your attention. I think one comment called it hyperbole. Sure, how many dead does it take to make it not exaggerated? Waco, Oklahoma City, Ruby Ridge, Fast & Furious if that is hyperbole, I’m your grand-mother. Another comment was about who is doing the articles and how it is written and the character of the reporter. I did not check, I did not consider the article to be extremely good but it was a door opener. Another, worried about all who are bringing attention to government out of control. Who is going to rein them in Sunshine, if the citizens don’t? Our only weapon is who we vote for, use it wisely.  We also must realize that this is not something we will find "in truth" in the Berkshire Eagle.
Semper fi,

If we do not need a border fence in the Southwest, why around the White House?  Fences are not control?  We should take them down at the airports too, that could be monitored by hundreds of rattle snakes and coyotes as well.  The  facts are they do work, I question the motives of anyone that says they do not.