Monday, December 26, 2011

For your reading pleasure.............Two articles..........................

Thanks to M.Franco the following two articles can be followed by our readers. The forwarding letters were submitted to news agencies in Western Massachusetts. Take comfort knowing there are Republicans in our midst that take up the pen for what is right.

Semper fi,


Dear Regional Republicans & Activist Friends:

1. Possessing an ID shows responsibility:

Letter: By Michael McMahon, Agawam, 12/23/11

I was a bit disappointed to see your paper’s stance on the voter ID issue. (“Path to the ballot box must be clear for all,” Dec. 20).

I’m just surprised how anyone cannot be in favor of upholding the integrity of elections. Discriminatory? How can you function in society today without a valid ID?

What if you want to buy a beer, rent a car, or God forbid apply for a job? What happens the day you show up to vote and they tell you “Sorry, it appears you have already voted”?

Also I’m sorry to say if someone has chosen a path through life that doesn’t require an ID - I’m not sure they have earned the responsibility to be trusted with the privilege of casting a ballot.

2. GOP must distance itself from 'crony capitalism':
By Kathy Mailhot, Saturday, December 17, 2011

Freedom does not work...and it has never worked?

That is what the leader of the free world described on December 6, 2011. His statements deeply concern me.

He started by pointing out the fact that we were a country where hard work and personal responsibilities were among our core values. This was a time of prosperity, motivation and ingenuity. It was a time when we allowed capitalism to work.

But since then - we have been in a purposeful gentle slide into socialism with ever expanding government regulations, control and bureaucracies. The natural free market has been transformed into crony capitalism. The greed of the government and corporations has been entwined and continues to fester - scratching each others back at the expense to the citizens of this country.

As both parties have been pushed more to the progressive policies, we have been left with little choice for our elected officials. It is time to take back the Republican Party. The GOP must set itself apart and make a stand. Enough.

Over the years Republicans have considered themselves pro-business. But there is a huge difference between pro-business and pro-free market. A pro-business policy is a veil to more crony capitalism. Both parties bend over to appease large businesses and unions for politic favors. Our country is rotting from the inside and those in power are masters of illusion.

President Obama claims that we are a richer nation and have a stronger democracy. Who is he kidding? How can we be richer with $15 trillion debt that is rising as we continue to give away our sovereignty to the interests of the UN.

As far as being a democracy - we were never a democracy. Our government was deigned as a republic, a republic which is fading. I believe we are a kakistocracy - government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens. We cannot continue down this path.

(Mailhot is a candidate for Republican State Committee Woman, Hampshire & Franklin District.)

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